Our response to the news about a family reunion route for Afghans in the UK - Refugee Council
July 31, 2024

Our response to the news about a family reunion route for Afghans in the UK

In a Written Ministerial Statement on 30 July 2024, the Government outlined a significant policy change which will mean that some Afghan families torn apart during the fall of Kabul can now be reunited in safety in the UK.

The Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS) will be expanded to enable family reunion for some Afghans who were resettled under Pathway 1 of the scheme.

This is hugely welcome and long overdue news. Over the last three years, we’ve worked with many families who were torn apart in the chaos and mayhem of evacuating Kabul. The fact that they will now be able to be reunited in safety is a big step, and we look forward to working with the Government to ensure that those resettled Afghan refugees who qualify are now reunited with their loved ones as quickly as possible.

ITV News covered this story, featuring some of the people we’ve worked with – Sevin who is separated from her father, Mozhdah who is separated from her parents, and Faqia who is separated from her husband.

Enver Solomon, CEO of the Refugee Council, said:

“This a hugely welcome announcement. Over the last three years we’ve worked with many families who were torn apart in the chaos of evacuating Kabul. They will now have a way to be safely together again thanks to the swift action that has been taken by the Government.

“For the children who have been apart from their parents for far too long, we know this will be life changing. We look forward to working with the Government to ensure they are now reunited with their loved ones as quickly as possible.”

It’s important to note that there are eligibility criteria around this policy change, and that people only have three months to make a submission to be reunited with family.

Summary of the criteria:

  • A person making the referral must have been evacuated to the UK from Afghanistan under ACRS Pathway 1 between 13 August 2021 and 28 August 2021.
  • Eligible individuals can submit an expression of interest for:
    • A spouse or unmarried partner
    • Their dependent children aged under 18 at the time of the evacuation
  • Children who were evacuated without their parents will be able to submit an expression of interest for their parents and siblings aged under 18 at the time of the evacuation
  • Additional family members may be considered in exceptional circumstances
  • The application is free of charge
  • Please consult the Government’s guidance page for further information.

Next steps:

  • Please note that people only have 3 months (until 30 October 2024) to make submissions.
  • The Expression of Interest form is available towards the bottom of the Government’s guidance page.